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who ❤️ Focused Work.

As someone with ADHD, task initiation for those BIG projects with multiple steps can be mentally paralyzing to start, so having timed sprints to get the ball rolling has been huge for my productivity.

Focused Work is easily one of the best apps available, and one of only a handful of indispensable apps. Highly recommended.

I haven’t been using the app for long, but it seems like this is the first app that really works with my ADHD!

Focused Work (along with a good white noise app) is my go-to solution to helping to get focused when I just can't seem to get myself there.

If you have ADHD and have not been able to get to-do lists or time blocking to hold you accountable, this app helps pull me back to the task at hand when I've wondered.

So happy I found this app! This app allows me to stay focused and track my time that I spent studying. I love that it prompts you to answer what you’ll be focusing on to force me to be really intentional about my time.

I love this app, the colorful interface and focus reminder notes and the ability to create a variety of sessions. I’ve tried other apps including the Pomodoro app and this one wins hands down.

I have tried many Pomodoro apps but this one beats them all. This one is very user friendly given the idea of reusable sessions. One defines a session and one can reuse them over and over again.

The killer feature for me is the shortcuts integration and being able to automatically turn on and off focus modes so I don’t even think about interactions.