Focused Work 5

A redesigned experience for focus and concentration.

Months in the making, Focused Work improves upon what makes it so helpful and important to productivity workflows.

Flow with Flowmodoro

Stay Focused.
All Day.

Focused Work 5 adds flexibility beyond the rigidness of focus techniques like Pomodoro, such as Flowmodoro - otherwise known as the Flowtime Technique.

Focus until you need a break, with break length determined by how long you focus.

Sounds simple, right? It's pretty effective too!

Flexible Sessions

Following a time structure doesn't suit unpredictable schedules.

Now you can create flexible sessions that let you freely adjust your session as you go.

Need a break? Take one! Want to prepare for the next task? Start a Prepare stage.

Plan & Review

Plan out your session before starting the timer, so you can hit the ground running.

Set a goal for the session, and if necessary, what you want to focus on at each stage.

Plus Much More

Each screen across iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Vision Pro, has received a touch of love in Focused Work 5.

Try out the new Interactive Widgets, Live Activities, StandBy, or start a focus session from Spotlight Search or App Shortcuts.


• A completely redesigned focus experience across iPhone, iPad, Mac, Vision Pro

• Flowmodoro, focus until you need a break, with pre-calculated breaks

• Flexible Sessions, for unpredicatble schedules

• Basic Sessions, for quickly getting started on a task or goal

• New Timer Widget + Live Activity, keep an eye on the most important details

• Designed for iOS 17, macOS Sonoma, and visionOS